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Support Group

Support Coordination

Our wonderful Support Coordinators are here to guide you through your NDIS funding and put you in contact with the services you need.

Introducing Sarah Ward

Support Coordinator

"I have worked within the disability sector for over 15 years with extensive experience in review submission and planning preparation and meetings, complex home modification management, experience in sourcing therapists and staff, managing complex behaviours and navigating housing needs".

Sarah Ward.jpeg

Support Coordination is designed to assist you in understanding your NDIS Plan and offering suggestions about different service providers within our region.


We work closely with you to gain an understanding of your NDIS goals and aspirations.


Our Support Coordination Team will assist in helping you gain the most out of your NDIS plan, assist in managing your NDIS budget and work together with you to achieve your goals.

How to get Support Coordination?


Support Coordination is not available to every participant on the NDIS. The NDIS only funds support coordination in cases where participants: 


  • Need help to learn the skills to navigate the NDIS on their own in the future.  

  • Don’t have family, friends or an informal support network to help find and connect with service providers.  

  • They are likely to gain real-life benefits from having the help of a support coordinator. 

  • Are new NDIS participants receiving their first plan or going through a significant life change.


You need to ask for support coordination to be included in your plan at your planning meeting. The planner will determine your eligibility.


The NDIS can be overwhelming


Our Support Coordination Team is here to make the process as simple as possible so you can get on with achieving your goals.


Your Support Coordinator will initially spend time guiding you to build new skills to make choices about how your services fit into your lifestyle.


Our Support Coordinator Team will work with you to go through your NDIS plan, help you decide how to allocate your funds and connect with providers that meet your unique needs.


Ensuring you have choice and control on services is the most important aspect of our work.


How do I get started?


Sending through a referral to SASS is the first step. 


Our referral form is available below. Once submitted, SASS will be in contact to determine how we can help. 


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